Perform revitalisation

For immature permanent teeth (open apex) with pulp necrosis, root development cannot continue. Traditional root canal treatment typically does not address the concern of thin root walls being susceptible to fracture. Pulpal regeneration or revitalization allows stem cells to help the root walls thicken and lengthen over time.(1)

What you need to know


The global prevalence of people with at least one root filled teeth is 55.7%


of patients are satisfied after root canal treatment by an endodontist

15 million

More than 15 million root canal procedures are performed every year in the United States

The right solution, step by step


Pain management

Adequate local anesthesia is critical for patient comfort. Please note that for the 2nd appointment for revitalization/pulpal regeneration, it is not recommended to use a vasoconstrictor (such as epinephrine).


Remove necrotic pulp, irrigation and coronal seal

It is critical to disinfect the canal system. We recommend following accepted guidelines. Such guidelines often include avoiding mechanical instrumentation, irrigating with diluted NaOCl, and placing an intracanal filler (such as calcium hydroxide or antibiotic paste).


Second session with pain management

Adequate local anesthesia is critical for patient comfort. Please note that for the 2nd appointment for revitalization/pulpal regeneration, it is not recommended to use a vasoconstrictor (such as epinephrine).


Restorative material placement

After inducing a blood clot, a resorbable matrix (such as collagen) may be placed. Then, Biodentine (or Biodentine XP) is placed as a biocompatible dentin replacement. In many cases, the Biodentine will be in contact with the blood clot.

(1)Hua-Nien Lee et al. Advances in Research on Stem Cell-Based Pulp Regeneration. Tissue Eng Regen Med. 2021  

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